The Five Points of Calvinism which have the initials T.U.L.I.P. are a summary of Calvin's doctrine on Predestination. Calvin himself did not make this summary, it was his followers who made it after his death. (Derived from 'Romans: An Interpretive Outline', by David N. Steele and Curtis Thomas,). Below I will briefly look at the corresponding 'five points of Arminianism'.
Total Depravity
The Fall of Man has left him unable to believe the gospel to the extent which
will save him. Everyone is a slave to his sinful nature which he inherited from
Adam. As a consequence man is blind and deaf to those things which are of God.
Indeed man is dead to the things of God. He is a slave to his evil nature, making
his heart corrupt and turned away from God. Calvinists do not claim that man
is unable to do any good whatsoever, it's just that he cannot remain in God
or choose against evil in the spiritual realm. As a consequence of this, for
someone to turn to Christ he must be completely regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
The indwelling of the Spirit gives him a new nature, making him alive. His faith
is a gift from God, it is not something which man contributes to his salvation.
If our salvation relied on us producing our faith, first no-one would be saved
because of our 'total depravity' (as it is called in the TULIP summary), and
secondly God's Grace would not be so powerful as it is reliant on something.
In fact I would argue that it is now no longer grace because salvation is reliant
on something we must do, ie salvation is now by works.
We still must choose God. We are still responsible for our actions, it's
just we are unable to respond and give God the faith required. The Holy Spirit
moves in us and frees us. It is after that that we are free to respond, with
the Holy Spirit moving through us.
Unconditional Election
God chooses before creationthose who will be saved entirely by His own will.
He does not condition His election on His foreknowledge of those who will respond
to Him and have faith. Their faith is the result of God choosing them. God's
Grace is so magnificent that He chose us "while we were still sinners",
while we were still in rebellion against God and not turning to Him. If God's
election was condition on His foreknowledge of our responses, then God's Grace
would be weaker and, as argued above, would no longer truly be grace.
They say that Arminians have a meaning of 'foreknowledge' which is less than
the full biblical meaning.
Limited Atonement
God does not wish for man to sin. He commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from
the tree and He desired that they would not rebel, but they did. Click here
to see how their action possibly fitted in with God's fore-ordaining.
Jesus came for all mankind, and gives an outward general call to all, but God
has ordained for only a few to accept it and be saved. Jesus paid the price
for us in our place so that we are accounted towards God as righteous. This
gift is offered to all but God elects only a few to accept. No-one can accept
this gift without God's Spirit moving through him.
Irresistable Grace
The Holy Spirit extends to the elect a call, moving them to acceptance and salvation.
The call cannot be rejected because of the power of God and everyone called
by the Spirit will convert and be saved. The Spirit is not limited by man's
will or depending on his cooperation. The Spirit moves the elect to respond
to God.
Perseverance of the Saints
Arminian 'TULIP'
'T'- Free Will
Man's nature was seriously affected by The Fall, but God has graciously enabled
us all to repent and have faith. He does not, though, interfere in our free
will. Our free will enables us to choose good and evil, our salvation depends
on this, and we are not enslaved to our sinful nature. Our faith is man's act,
and it precedes the regeneration by the Spirit.
- I know of no passage which teaches that God has made us ALL able to freely
repent and have faith. God's Grace certainly is so wonderful that it changes
us so we can choose God, but this change happens only in those chosen by God,
chosen unconditoned on our response. There is no passage I've found saying that
God reversed some of the effects of The Fall. Our will is not completely free,
we are slaves to sin. Jesus said in John 8:34 "Truly, truly, I say to you,
everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin." We are all slaves to our
sinful nature.
'U'- Conditional Election
I shall evaluate this aspect of Calvinism and Arminianism in my page -
By Foreknowledge. But I'll briefly cover the Arminan position on this here.
God chose those he would save on the basis of Him foreseeing how they would
respond to His call. The 'elect' are those who God foresaw would freely believe
the Gospel. An individual's election is conditioned upon what he/she would do.
God foresaw their faith, and this faith is not given to them by Him, ie not
the result of the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, but results solely
from that person's will. Because God elected those whom He knew would of their
own free will choose Him, the ultimate cause of salvation is the sinner's choice
of God not God's choice of the sinner.
'L'- General Atonement
Christ died for everyone, but only those who believe on Him will be saved. Christ's
death made it possible for everyone to be saved but His redeeming work did not
secure the salvation of anyone. It enabled God to forgive sinners (on the condition
they believe - so it did not actually wash away anyone's sins). Basically -
The redemption that is in Jesus Christ only becomes effective in a man if he
chooses to accept it.
- I'll evaluate this further in another page.
The external call of the gospel (all who here it are called to Christ) is to
everyone, and not restricted to the elect. God is sincere in His universal call
to Him, but this outward call is not enough. Mankind because of the Fall is
now unable to effectively respond on his own. So if redemption only becomes
in someone if he/she chooses to accept it without an internal call of the Holy
Spirit, then no-one will effectively respond as they all will refuse to. The
inward calling of the elect frees them so that they are then free to respond
effectively - and they will.
'I'- Resistible Grace
I.E. The Holy Spirit can be effectively resisted by everyone.
All those who are called outwardly the Holy Spirit calls inwardly also. He does
all He can to bring all men to salvation, but every individual can successfully
resist His call if they wish inasmuch as they are free. Faith - man's contribution,
not a gift from God - comes first and enables the Holy Spirit to regenerate
the sinner. The Holy Spirit cannot regenerate someone until they believe, He
is limited by our free will. God's Grace is not invincible, it can be resisted
effectively by man, so the Holy Spirit can only draw to Christ those who allow
him to.
- This weakens God's Grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. This gives us an
ability to freely choose which we do not have because of our sin. God's calling
is irresistable because God is so powerful.
'P'- We Can Fall From Grace
- Briefly: Salvation is a gift from God, and "the gifts and calling of
God are irrevocable." Romans 11:29. There is more in the Bible to support
the Perseverance of the Saints.
Browse through in a logical order:
Predestination discussion
The Fall and Human Will
Browse through the order I made them: